Changing wordpress theme screenshot for your custom or child theme
Just a day back we have posted about changing wordpress theme name. After changing your theme folder name and editing the theme details in CSS, one last step is there that is changing the theme screenshot which we missed in that article. If you are using a customized theme or if you are using a child theme then changing the theme screenshot is a good idea.
You know what? Usually people will find the name of the theme by using your sites source code which by changing the name you can hide it. But, other than that people can guess your theme using your theme screenshot.
After uploading your custom theme in your wordpress site you can see your theme screenshot by going to Appearance >> Themes. Here you can see the screenshot of all the themes that you manage and all the screenshot illustrates the actual theme. Here let’s see how to change the wordpress theme screenshot image.
WordPress theme screenshot
Creating a screenshot for your custom theme is very simple; just you have to replace the single image file in theme directory.
- First install and active your child theme or your customized wordpress theme.
- Next view your site homepage and create a nice screenshot. You can use print screen (PrtSc) in your keyboard which captures the whole screen. Also for screen capturing you can use free software’s like CamStudio, Screenr etc. Here is the list of free screen recording software and screen capturing tools.
- Hope you got a clear nice snapshot of your theme. Next using Photoshop or any other image editing software crop the image into 300px X 250px. For image editing you can use this list of free photography and image editing softwares.
- After editing and cropping it to 300px X 250px, save the image as sreenshot.png.
- Now by using FTP client upload and replace the screenshot.png image to your wordpress theme folder that is to wp-content/theme/themename/screenshot.png. (here is how to setup FileZilla FTP client for easy file sharing)
- That’s it. Now go to Appearance >> themes and refresh the page where you can see the theme screen shot for your own custom wordpress theme.
Hope this little post helped you on how to change the wordpress theme screenshot image.