13 Sep 2013
Display social widgets for Blogger (Facebook, Google+ and Twitter)

Displaying social widgets in a blog helps visitors to know that your blog has a profile on Facebook, Google+ and Twitter and so they get the latest updates straight from these social networks. This helps to build traffic to your blog. In this post we will see how to get and display social widgets for
12 Sep 2013
WordPress.com VS Blogger VS Tumblr – Ultimate Comparison

Blogging is a best way to share your knowledge and ideas. If people don’t have the habit of writing blogs then there will no solution for most of the questions. Do you agree? Yes I do! If you are a new blogger choosing a best blogging platform that suits for you by your own is
11 Sep 2013
How to automatically tweet wordpress posts – Tweet latest posts

As you all know twitter is one of the largest social networking sites and a micro blogging service where you can update and tweet your latest news and posts so that your followers can see what you are really up to. If you are busy in blogging and forget to tweet your updates at times
11 Sep 2013
How to set the maximum image upload size in wordpress

These days we own more advanced mobile devices and cameras that have more than 16 mega pixels and 32 mega pixels which get you an awesome picture quality but the size of the image drastically increases and uploading these images will slow down your wordpress site. There are still some people who don’t know how
10 Sep 2013
How to embed media files in wordpress (Audio & Video)

For beginners we have been posting a lots of “how to” guides for wordpress and recently we made a post on how to embed Google maps in wordpress site hope that helped out. Today we will see how to embed media files in wordpress site (Audio & Video) This post is for beginners and so
09 Sep 2013
What is Affiliate marketing and how does affiliate marketing work

You have seen some hundreds of blogs that places some banners and images about make quick money online with some easy steps, Reduce body fat in 7 days, how to make money with this and that …., Work from home Mom makes 7000$ monthly which is going viral these days. You will really get impressed
09 Sep 2013
How to setup Feedburner feeds for wordpress

If you are following Blog Time Now you might noticed that we have discussed an article about the difference between RSS and Feedburner feeds and the importance of Feedburner for SEO. In this article we are going to see how to setup Feedburner feeds for wordpress and how to redirect your default wordpress RSS to