Blogging Archive

Add hit counter to Blogger – Flag counter and live traffic feed widget

Want to reveal the traffic flow to your site visitors? You might have seen in many blogs (especially in BlogSpot) that display visitor counts with country names and flags in sidebar.  All such tools like hit counter, flag counter, real time map dots and live traffic feeds are simple, free to add third party widgets.

How to limit / change number of posts displayed on Blogger homepage

Your blog’s homepage is more important than any other pages because it is the one that gets more exposure. Each and every blog post vary according to topics and that may not be same in size. Displaying too many posts in your blogs home page especially long posts may reduce your page speed. Also showing

How to embed SoundCloud in Blogger – Add SoundCloud track and playlist

I myself spend more time in SoundCloud than Facebook because I love exploring latest EDM tunes. How about you and what’s your favorite music genre? Whatever it may be, SoundCloud is undoubtedly the ultimate place for music lovers. With 2 hours of free upload anyone can upload music, record sounds, and promote it. After reading

How to retrieve deleted comments in Blogger – Recovering blog comments

Deleting blog comments mistakenly will happen for most peoples and this issue mainly occurs to folks who have their blog on Blogger. Just a few days back one of visitor asked us how to retrieve deleted comments in Blogger. Just like wordpress, Blogger don’t have any spam protection tool. When trying to delete spam comments,

Make Blogger blog mobile friendly – Redirect mobile users to mobile site

Trends in technology have been changed and that is mainly when smart phones and tablets arrived. Do you have any idea about visitors who arrive to your blog from mobile devices?  People enjoy viewing your blog only if your blog is mobile friendly. So to grow your audience you must design your blog for both

How to find out Blogger blog ID and post ID – Unique ID number

Beginners who think about blogging will likely begin their journey from Blogger. Blogger is one of the widely used blogging platform and that’s mainly because it’s free, easy to use, manage, no technical skills required and much more. Each and every blog that you create and host with Blogger has its own identification number. Similar

Adding age verification in wordpress and Blogger – Content warning

Are you publishing offensive adult related content in your site or if you’re selling or promoting age restricted products? Then it’s your responsibility to add age verification or at least you should show some content warning message. By asking to verify their age or by showing some content warning you can prevent minors from viewing