25 Feb 2014
How to edit hosts file in windows 7, 8 that require admin privileges

Hosts file is a normal text file used by your operating system (windows) that is to map domain name to IP address. There are many uses with hosts file like blocking specific websites or a list, redirecting a website, assigning local domain names etc. There are also several other files in your windows computer which
25 Feb 2014
List of free music composition and notation software – Music composers

Music is divine. Manipulating each music aspects and creating a new work of music is referred as music composition. In earlier day’s musicians create music’s by writing symbols in a musical sheet. A musical notation is a visual representation of aural music which is used to teach the elements of music to children’s and music
21 Feb 2014
Easily put / embed Amazon affiliate links in Facebook and Twitter

Making your very first penny just after creating an affiliate account in Amazon is some kind of real excitement. You can achieve this easily if you are well focused and dedicated in affiliate marketing. Only thing is that you have to experiment various types of marketing strategy that works for you. Some people get success
20 Feb 2014
WordPress: Limit / Change number of posts in archive pages /category

Recently a visitor asked us how to change the number of posts per page in wordpress. We simply suggested him to change the number of posts in reading settings, but actually he didn’t mean it. He wished to change the number of posts displayed only on category pages and not on home page or any
19 Feb 2014
How to create Amazon affiliate links – Create, track affiliate links

Do you know that Amazon pays you for recommending products? Amazon is a trustworthy and well known company globally and there are tons of products stocked. Therefore now and then you will be sharing Amazon products to your friends, families, blog visitors etc. So why not earn credits from it? It is what bloggers do
18 Feb 2014
Find and Fix broken links in Blogger – Redirect broken links for SEO

Content is a king and that is the major on page SEO factor, you totally agree with this, right? Bots visits your pages and positions it top of the SERPS for that particular keyword only if you have perfectly optimized it. Getting targeted visitors relies on your blogs SEO factors. Other than bots your readers
06 Feb 2014
How to limit / change number of posts displayed on Blogger homepage

Your blog’s homepage is more important than any other pages because it is the one that gets more exposure. Each and every blog post vary according to topics and that may not be same in size. Displaying too many posts in your blogs home page especially long posts may reduce your page speed. Also showing