How to import theme in wordpress – Importing XML file of a demo theme
You might have installed wordpress and installed a new premium theme. But what you are looking for is an easy way to handle that theme. Importing demo themes helps you to easily understand the theme settings. Usually themes in theme forest will have an XML file that is a demo content of the theme. By importing the XML file to your wordpress site you will get the actual look and feel of the theme that is what you see in live preview (including images, slides and functionalities). Importing XML file document is easy. Just follow the steps below and you are done.
To import wordpress theme all you need is an original theme file and a demo content of the theme (XML file document)
How to import theme in wordpress by using XML file
- Login to your wordpress dashboard as administrator
- Now install and activate the wordpress theme using this simple guide
- Now go to Tools >> import and choose “wordpress” in that list.
- If you have already installed wordpress importer then leave this step if not install now. Once installed click activate and run importer.
- Now choose the theme demo file (XML file document) from your computer to import and click import.
- Now you will be asked to assign authors. You can create a new user or assign the post to existing user.
- Select the check box that says “download and import file attachments” and submit.
- Now you should be patient until wordpress imports all the theme files.
- Once done you need to make two changes. 1. In your reading settings set the static front page to home page and 2. Set the main navigation menu in Appearance >> menus
- Now view your site and you will have the actual settings of the theme.
You can understand your new theme easily and you will find easy to modify your theme. Hope this article helped you on how to import wordpress themes. Find more at wordpress codex.