How to change wordpress username – Change username admin for security
Do you need to change you wordpress username that is the default username admin, then take a look at this post. In wordpress user settings you can only change your passwords and not usernames. We made an article on how to recover wordpress password if it is lost, but what we missed is to make a post on how to change wordpress username. In this post we will see how to change default wordpress username admin for security.
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Hackers know the default username is admin for wordpress and for security reasons you must change your wordpress admin username. Changing default username admin is easy. Just login to your wordpress dashboard and go to Users settings and add new users. Enter your new username and password and set the role to administrator and click update user. Now login with your new username and delete the default username admin or change its role to subscriber.
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How to change the wordpress username using PhpMyAdmin (Another method)
This is another method to change your wordpress username using phpMyAdmin on a cPanel webhost. In your cPanel open phpMyAdmin from database section.
Now select the database that your blog uses from the left hand side. Use this link to know and select your database.
Once selected click open wp-users from below and select edit from the list of usernames that you wish to change. Now edit your username in user_login field and click Go.
Now you can login to your site with your new username. From the above two methods on how to change wordpress username; first method is easy that is changing from wordpress dashboard.
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