Security Archive
18 Jul 2014
How to limit access to wordpress login page by IP address

By default your wordpress login page is open for everybody, anyone can just type /wp-admin or /wp-login.php next to your domain name and reach your site entry point. So what do they do after reaching the entrance, they simply try to get in to your dashboard by attempting several logins. You should always be aware
05 Mar 2014
What is wp-config.php? Where and how to edit wp-config.php file

Are you using self-hosted wordpress site? If yes, then have you ever gone through your wordpress core files? If yes, then do you have any idea of what it is? Most of the time we manage our wordpress site from back end administrative pages that is wp-admin. After your initial wordpress setup you will start
24 Dec 2013
Prevent image hotlinking with .htaccess in wordpress – Hotlink protection

Are you concerned about people stealing images from your website? We are not asking about people who copy images, we are talking about image hotlinking. Content scrapers – Yes, spammers and especially people who are new to blogging think about creating a shorter way to success and just plagiarize content from various websites. In short
20 Nov 2013
How to backup Blogger Blog – Make complete backup of your Blogger blog

Backup, you all know the importance of Backup and there is not much to say. Blogger, since it is a product from Google you will never find any security issues like hacking. But, there are chances and all than depends on you and the way you are securing your Blogger account details. So having a
25 Oct 2013
How to reset password for all users in wordpress

Protecting your wordpress site from hackers is more important and so focus more on your wordpress security. You might be noticing that at Blog Time Now we are providing more security tips for our users. Today let’s see how to reset password for all users in wordpress. When you recovered your wordpress site from hackers
16 Oct 2013
WordPress security keys and salts generator– Secure your wordpress

As a wordpress user you must know some common things in order to secure your site. We are providing more security tips and procedures for wordpress users. In this article you will learn about securing your site using wordpress security keys and salts. Also let’s see some basics about what and why to use wordpress
11 Oct 2013
How to change wordpress username – Change username admin for security

Do you need to change you wordpress username that is the default username admin, then take a look at this post. In wordpress user settings you can only change your passwords and not usernames. We made an article on how to recover wordpress password if it is lost, but what we missed is to make
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