Social Media Archive
29 Apr 2014
How to hide circles in Google plus – Hiding friends/ groups/ followers

Just like hiding your friend list in Facebook, you can hide circles in Google plus. You know that Google plus circles are used to organize your followers, friends, family, business, groups etc. For those who are new and those who do not know what are circles in Google plus, here is the complete guide to
14 Apr 2014
How to hide Facebook friends list from public and other friends

Facebook is widespread, everyday people from all over the world get connected, share content, chat each other’s, browse photos and seek information about peoples and places. It has become a social phenomenon and many have even started using it as a diary. By default all your information, activities, friends list, posts, photos are public and
04 Mar 2014
How to hide Facebook posts from certain people (Public, family, Boss)
Most of the Facebook users including me don’t’ like to share their personal information to the whole world. Facebook is a wide network with billions of users that connects us with friends, families, friends of friends etc. We do not know all those Facebook friends in our real life and so sharing specific personal information
03 Feb 2014
Facebook Privacy settings – Must know privacy settings in Facebook

When it comes to security you can trust all your data that you hold in both Google and Facebook. If you are quite anxious about your particulars then you can download all your data from Google and backup your entire Facebook data as well. All your particulars in Google and Facebook are highly secured and
19 Jan 2014
How to add Facebook like box in wordpress – FB fan box for wordpress

We came across many websites, blogs, and forums of various kinds and what we noticed utmost is the Facebook like box. Most of the sites were displaying their Facebook fan page in sidebar and even some as a popup window. It is the social proof and by displaying the like box in your website you
07 Jan 2014
How to download all Facebook data – Backup your entire FB data / info

There are billions of people having their account active on Facebook and the number increases day by day. Do you know how Facebook attained such fame? Only Mark and his team know the secret. The entire concept behind Facebook is simple, just interaction; it made people to communicate better. The growing population on Facebook has
20 Dec 2013
How to clear Facebook search history – Delete awful search bar history

Just like news feed and timeline, Facebook introduced another new technology just in March 2013 and they named it as Facebook Graph search. It is a semantic search engine that provides well defined search results for users. Yes! Facebook graph search makes us easier to find out nearby places, restaurants and lot more. Not just