04 Jul 2014
How to setup Google Analytics on wordpress

By gathering the information about your site visitors you will come to know how they interact and engage within your site and by understanding that you can further focus on making your site more interesting. As for in wordpress you can monitor your site’s traffic using a popular plugin called Jetpack (site stats) or wp
02 Jul 2014
50 responsive wordpress themes for churches and missionaries

WordPress has become an ultimate tool to show up your online presence and one great thing about wordpress is that you do not need much technical skills to develop your website. Also there are unlimited themes and plugins which are been developed day by day and with all that you can achieve the most desired
10 Jun 2014
How to add CSS in Blogger – Understanding CSS in Blogger

Want to add some cool effects to your blog like snow fall, 3D fonts, neon texts, box shadows or you want to take your blog’s design to the next level, then all you need is to insert few lines of custom CSS to your blog. CSS, what is it? CSS is known as Cascading Style
04 Jun 2014
Update Facebook profile picture without notifying everyone

Whenever you update your status or change your profile picture in Facebook the changes will be visible in your friends news feed which is not bad, but it is not good all the time. Updating your profile information especially unimportant information like adding hometown or adding some personal life event in Facebook should not be
30 May 2014
How to test a wordpress theme without changing it for live visitors

Is your site’s current theme is very slow or does it has too many glitches or you are unsatisfied with your site’s appearance? For any of such issues all you can do is go for a new theme or debug and work on your current theme. To debug you need some technical skills, but switching
26 May 2014
Splitting a long blog post in Blogger into multiple pages

After publishing this article on splitting wordpress posts into multiple pages few folks asked us about doing it in Blogger that is to split long blog post into multiple pages in Blogger. Splitting posts in wordpress is very simple and there are many plugins to achieve this, but how it’s done in Blogger. In Blogger
22 May 2014
Free tools and extensions to download Facebook photo albums

Majority of people on internet visit Facebook at least once in a week just to check their timeline and to stay in touch with their friends, family etc. Some update their stats, some share photos and some add a life event. All that personal information and data’s are stored in Facebook servers. There are numerous