For wordpress users we have posted an easy guide to setup Feedburner in wordpress. What we thought is to make a post for BlogSpot users and so here we will see how to setup Feedburner for Blogger. Before we get in to this topic here are some useful articles about Feedburner which you can go through.
Colors matters the most when it comes to web design. In order to catch and attract visitor’s eyes your site color and design should be outstanding as well as unique than others. One thing that comes by default and can be seen mostly on all sites is the text selection highlight color which is sky
Don’t like to embed a long YouTube video in your website then just embed part of a YouTube video with specific start and end time. In recent times we shared some cool and useful articles about YouTube and one that is related to this is embedding YouTube videos without YouTube logo. Hope that really helped
A few posts back we made an article about Blogger custom redirects in which you can redirect within your blog. That is you can redirect your specific post URL to another post or page, all 301 or 302 redirection within your blog. That will be useful for redirecting 404 error pages and broken links; however
You might see in many sites that Pinterest pin it button and other social share buttons appears when the mouse cursor hovers on images or when highlighting several texts. You will be having a social share buttons in each post which makes your site visitors easy to share the post on social networks. Other than
Feedburner is the most popular service to manage your feeds. Each and every website use Feedburner in order to burn their RSS feeds. It has more features for you; also your subscribers will have variety of readers to choose from. We have some useful articles for you about Feedburner such as importance of Feedburner for
Backup, you all know the importance of Backup and there is not much to say. Blogger, since it is a product from Google you will never find any security issues like hacking. But, there are chances and all than depends on you and the way you are securing your Blogger account details. So having a