How to run your computer as a local server (windows)

How to run computer as a local serverToday I am going to teach you how to how to run your computer as a local server. Before that let’s see what are the benefits of using local server

1. No internet required for doing projects.
2. Fast and reliable than working online.
3. Developers learn easy with coding. Trail and Error with codes (html, asp, php etc).
4. You can save your web servers bandwidth.
5. All of your data remains private and secure.
6. And final one its completely free.

Here you go, how to set up a local server?

There are many software’s to set up a local server like wamp, XAMPP, easy-php and so on which is an web server package for your local computer. Here i will discuss it with WAMP server (Microsoft windows, Apache web server, MySQL, PHP)

Step 1
Go to and download WampServer.
Step 2
Now install wamp server to your pc. When installing it asks for a php mail parameters leave that one default and click next, then it asks for default web browser select it, click next and install. After installation open wamp server.

Running computer as local server for windows

Make your PC as a local server for good work flow

Step 3
An W icon will show up in task bar. one thing about that icon when its red; server is off, when its green; server in on.

Wamp server setup, make you pc as a local server
Step 4
left click on that icon and click local host it will open in your default browser ( that you have chosen during installation process)
Step 5
You can open your localhost with this default ip address, you can directly open in your browser by entering

how to run your computer as a local server

phpMyAdmin server configuration, run your computer as a local server

Run your PC as a local web server for feature projects

That’s it you have almost done, in the browser you can see you your projects and your aliases. In aliases just click phpmyadmin where you can add, edit, and remove your MySQL database. A login screen opens enter the username as root which is a default one(leave the password field blank) and click go. You are now ready with your local server.