What is Gravatar? Why to use Gravatar and how to get Gravatar?
One of my close friends asked me about how to get a picture in wordpress comment section. He also said that he sees some grey human icon, funny cartoonistic icons and also real human faces in forums and discussion board. Well I clearly explained to that friend about Gravatar and now it’s time to explain to all of my friends about Gravatar. Here in this article we will see what is Gravatar? Why to use Gravatar and how to get Gravatar?
What is Avatar?
Let’s see what is avatar before discussing about Gravatar. LOL! I am not talking about James Cameron’s movie “Avatar”, well it shows up in Google searches when you search for Avatar. In web and wordpress avatar is a user’s graphical representation. The role of Avatar is to represent a user in image for easy identification.
If you are active in forums and discussion boards you might noticed these avatars and that helps you to easily recognize a person. It’s easy to remember a person with avatar rather than their names.
When a person needs his image to show up on forums and discussion boards he/she simply registers and uploads his/her image. What about sites and blogs that doesn’t allow users to register and how blog commenters recognize other users. That is what Gravatar does.
What is Gravatar?
Since millions of people’s, websites and blog’s use Gravatar it is known as “Globally Recognized Avatar”. When someone who has a Gravatar account comments on a blog then he/she will simply get his/her image from Gravatar server next to their comment which gives an identity to that commenter all over World Wide Web.
Why to use Gravatar?
Gravatar gives identity to a person and helps to build brand around web. For anyone (blogger, web developer, small business) who needs identity on web should use Gravatar. When you repeatedly comment on a blog others will easily identify you.
Can I use Gravatar in Google search results? NO Google grabs images from Google+ and not from Gravatar. This article will help you on how to get your image on Google search results.
How to get Gravatar for wordpress?
WordPress has a build in support for Gravatar and you can simply register at Gravatar.com. Make sure you use email that you mostly use for commenting purpose.
- Go to Gravatar.com and enter your email and click “get your avatar”
- Now you will receive a confirmation link, just confirm and login
- You have the option to add additional email to your Gravatar account. To add an image click “add one by clicking here!” and choose an option to get your image and upload.
- Now crop your image and rate your Gravatar. You are done!
In wordpress go to Dashboard >> settings >> discussions and check “show avatars”. Now choose maximum rating as “G” which is suitable for all audiences and save changes.
Now you have done setting up Gravatar. We use Gravatar for comments and to test your Gravatar please leave a comment below.