How to hide circles in Google plus – Hiding friends/ groups/ followers
Just like hiding your friend list in Facebook, you can hide circles in Google plus. You know that Google plus circles are used to organize your followers, friends, family, business, groups etc. For those who are new and those who do not know what are circles in Google plus, here is the complete guide to Google plus circles. You can create as many circles you want and you can add peoples and business into your circles, but you are limited only to add 5000 peoples in your circles and there is no limit for you to be in others circles.
Circles help you to easily share content with specific group of peoples and you will see that privacy option each time when you share content. By choosing certain peoples or groups you can hide your content from public or other members in your circles, just like hiding posts in Facebook. But anyhow by default your circles and people who have you in their circles are visible to public. For any reason if you wish not to show peoples or followers or groups to public then here is how to hide circles in Google plus.
How to hide circles in Google plus
In your Google plus profile page you will have the visibility option to hide both people in you circles and people who have you in their circles. First login to your Google account and view your Google plus profile or page.
Next move on to about tab and you will see people in your circles and have you in circles, just below that click on edit.
Now to hide all your circles from public and from your circles uncheck both the option. Uncheck “in your circles” if you wish to hide people who you have added in your circles and uncheck “have you in circles” if you wish to hide people who added you to their circles. You can anytime in feature disable this option and show off your circles and followers.
Hope this post helped you to hide circles in Google plus. So what’s next, read this tips to format Google plus posts and to get more updates join us on Google plus.