23 Oct 2013
How to create sitemap for Blogger blog – Blogger sitemap XML

A Sitemap is nothing but a list of accessible pages in your website. Sitemaps helps search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing to easily crawl pages in your site which helps in better index. As a blogger you must create a sitemap so whenever you make a new post search engines can crawl and index
22 Oct 2013
YouTube tips and tricks for better YouTube experience

We all know that YouTube is the largest video streaming site in the world. Whatever it may be like music videos, funny clips, tutorials, reviews and even movies the ultimate place would be YouTube. Most of us will visit YouTube at least once in a day as part of the daily routine. So here are
21 Oct 2013
How to add copyright symbol with dynamic date in wordpress footer

Are you tired of updating the copyright date each year in your wordpress site? Here is a simple code that adds copyright symbol with dynamic date in wordpress footer. By adding this snippet you don’t have to update your copyright text each year. We have seen in many sites that contains copyright symbol only with
19 Oct 2013
How to remove YouTube logo and title links from embedded video player

YouTube is the world’s largest video sharing site and with every second one hour of video is uploaded. As a blogger you will be sharing and posting more articles. Other than text, embedding a YouTube video tutorial will be greatly useful for your site visitors. With simple embed code YouTube makes us easy to embed
18 Oct 2013
How to remove “powered by Blogger” attribution in new HTML editor

As we all know Blogger is a free and widely used blogging platform and we are providing more tips and tricks for beginners. Here we will see about a simple trick on how to remove “powered by Blogger” attribution from your Blogger blog. People who are using Blogger platform will have this powered by Blogger
18 Oct 2013
WordPress ping list – huge list of ping service for quicker index

WordPress ping list is nothing but a list of URLs that notifies several blog services and major search engines. So when you publish a new post or update existing ones these ping list will ping search engines and other services which results in quicker index. By default wordpress comes with a list of ping URLs
17 Oct 2013
How to import theme in wordpress – Importing XML file of a demo theme

You might have installed wordpress and installed a new premium theme. But what you are looking for is an easy way to handle that theme. Importing demo themes helps you to easily understand the theme settings. Usually themes in theme forest will have an XML file that is a demo content of the theme. By