What’s that smiley face in wordpress footer, how to hide that smiley?

Smiley face in wordpress footer, what is it and how to remove it?What is that smiley face in wordpress footer? Are you using Jetpack plugin in your wordpress site then you might have probably enabled site stats. If you have enable site stats or if you are using wordpress.com stats plugin then you will notice a small smiley face that show up in your wordpress footer.

Recently when working on one of our client website we have noticed that small iconic smiley face at the bottom with a blank white space. This is really annoying and it totally ruins the entire theme design and layout. That one at your wordpress footer is a gif image and jetpack states that the image helps to track and collect stats on your page. But the stats work perfectly even though if it is removed, so it’s better to remove that smiley face and blank white space.

Smiley face in wordpress footer, how to remove wordpress.com stats smiley from footer

In wordpress support topic people were mentioning about removing the wordpress.com stats smiley using the little CSS trick. That is adding this little piece of line in your CSS will remove both the smiley face and white space from your wordpress footer.


Other than that there is a plugin called WordPress.com Stats Smiley Remover which removes the smiley face when activated.

The CSS method and the plugin method are not necessary because jetpack itself has the option to hide the smiley face. Login to your wordpress dashboard and go to jetpack dashboard.

How to remove wordpress.com stats smiley face in wordpress footer

At the very first you will notice wordpress.com stats widget. Just click on configure which takes you to wordpress.com stats widget configuration page.

Removing smiley face in wordpress footer, white space and smile image in footer

Now you will see an option called smiley that says “The image helps collect stats and makes the world a better place but should still work when hidden”. Just enable hide the stats smiley face image and then save configuration, that’s it. Now the smiley and blank white space have been removed from your wordpress footer.