What is WHM (Web Host Manager)? How WHM is different than cPanel?

What is WHM - Web Host Manager - WHM vs cPanelMany think that both WHM and Cpanel are same, in fact it is yes but it is not. There are some common differences which you have to take note. Both WHM and cPanel are same softwares having different interface. Lately after making a post about cPanel control panel, some folks asked us what WHM is. Here in detail we will see what is WHM and the difference between WHM and cPanel?

What is WHM (Web Host Manager)?

WHM stands for Web Host Manager, is the powerful account management control panel. WHM is a simple web application for resellers in which a reseller use to manage his entire hosting accounts in a reseller plan. In simple WHM is the administrative control panel for VPS (Virtual Private Server) and dedicated servers.

Also read: Pros and Cons of shared hosting and dedicated hosting

Difference between WHM and cPanel – WHM vs cPanel

Most of the hosting companies provide you with cPanel control panel. In cPanel you can edit files, setup databases, and create email address etc. cPanel is the control panel for your website, whereas WHM is the control panel for your hosting accounts that is used to administer your server. In WHM you can create and manage cPanel accounts. Also note that WHM is available only on VPS and dedicated hosting.

Related: Advantages and Disadvantages of VPS hosting

WHM – Administrative or resellers control panel that gives you more flexibility and control to your server. In WHM you can add domains to your server, create individual accounts and you can manage hosting features. Also in WHM you can adjust and restrict the limit for any individual accounts.

cPanel is generated automatically for each new domain that you create in your WHM. For example let’s say that you are adding 6 new domains to your server using WHM and for each domain a cPanel in created.

cPanel is the control panel for users (client control panel) that runs generally on ports 2082 and 2083. WHM on the other hand is for server managers (admin control panel) that work on 2086 and 2087 ports.

Learn what is cPanel and how does in works in detail.

Web Host Manager - What is WHM, Difference between WHM and cPanel

Uses of WHM (Web Host Manager)

WHM is your global control panel in which you can perform the following tasks

  • Add, delete, restrict and terminate your cPanel user accounts
  • You can access, check and change DNS zones for all your domains
  • You can monitor and manage all the sites hosted in that server
  • You will have the ability to adjust and limit packages, disk space, bandwidth, FTP, email accounts for an cPanel account individually
  • You can monitor your server status and information
  • Enable branding that is you can add your company logo to your clients control panel

There are lot more features to go and you can check out the WHM uses and features in cPanel.net.

If you are a web designing company then you will need to host several of your clients website in your own server. Shared hosting offers you just cPanel and in case if your client is in need to create an email account or change password for his/her account, then he/she needs to rely on you. Giving your cPanel login credentials to your clients is not good and so by using WHM you can create separate cPanel for each account and provide it to your clients.

WHM (Web Host Manager) is available only on VPS and dedicated servers. BlueHost, HostGator, GoDaddy and JustHost offers better VPS and dedicated plans.

Hope you are now clear with Web Host Manager, what is WHM and the difference between WHM and cPanel.