Knowledge Base Archive
05 Mar 2014
What is wp-config.php? Where and how to edit wp-config.php file

Are you using self-hosted wordpress site? If yes, then have you ever gone through your wordpress core files? If yes, then do you have any idea of what it is? Most of the time we manage our wordpress site from back end administrative pages that is wp-admin. After your initial wordpress setup you will start
25 Jan 2014
What is PHPinfo? How to create PHPinfo.php file – PHP information page

At times in order to run specific script or to analyze and solve a problem in your server you will first need to find certain configuration information of your server. For instance several scripts may run out of memory and during such occasion you will need to find out your php memory limit and increase
17 Jan 2014
What is WHM (Web Host Manager)? How WHM is different than cPanel?

Many think that both WHM and Cpanel are same, in fact it is yes but it is not. There are some common differences which you have to take note. Both WHM and cPanel are same softwares having different interface. Lately after making a post about cPanel control panel, some folks asked us what WHM is.
09 Jan 2014
cPanel control panel overview – What is cPanel and how does it works

In few articles, mainly in technical oriented topics we mentioned lines like “login to your cPanel” access “these files from your cPanel” “open MySQL database in cPanel” etc. Visitors who land in particular subjects will easily grasp the whole point because we never make an area complicated. Yet, there are people who are new to