Bing Webmaster Tools Archive

Add hit counter to Blogger – Flag counter and live traffic feed widget

Want to reveal the traffic flow to your site visitors? You might have seen in many blogs (especially in BlogSpot) that display visitor counts with country names and flags in sidebar.  All such tools like hit counter, flag counter, real time map dots and live traffic feeds are simple, free to add third party widgets.

How to create sitemap for Blogger blog – Blogger sitemap XML

A Sitemap is nothing but a list of accessible pages in your website. Sitemaps helps search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing to easily crawl pages in your site which helps in better index. As a blogger you must create a sitemap so whenever you make a new post search engines can crawl and index

How to use Bing webmaster tools for SEO

Google is the worlds no 1 search engine which we all know and so don’t focus your site to rank just on Google. You must also focus on other major search engines. Bing is the second largest search engine and therefore analyze your sites performance in Bing using Bing webmaster tools. To get your sites

How to submit your URL to Google, Bing and Yahoo – Add your website

Every site needs to get ranked in search engines, but before that a website must first get indexed in search results. Search engines are smarter and they crawl your site once it is live. Still many new sites struggle to get indexed. To get faster and better index your site you must submit your URL

Meta tag verification for Google, Bing and Alexa

Know your websites statistics and performance in web using Google webmaster tools, Bing webmaster tools and Alexa and in order to show the statistics of your site Google, Bing and Alexa needs to verify your website. We have discussed a lot about How to use Google webmaster tools effectively for SEO. All the three have