PHP Archive
10 Mar 2014
How to increase file import size in phpMyAdmin (WAMP Server Localhost)

Are you trying to clone your live wordpress site to localhost (local computer)? For the very first time when you clone your site manually you will face some issues. Usually you will end up in a situation where you cannot import your database (SQL file). Due to the file upload limit you cannot import large
25 Jan 2014
What is PHPinfo? How to create PHPinfo.php file – PHP information page

At times in order to run specific script or to analyze and solve a problem in your server you will first need to find certain configuration information of your server. For instance several scripts may run out of memory and during such occasion you will need to find out your php memory limit and increase
13 Dec 2013
How to create wordpress custom page template – Custom wordpress page

WordPress is one of the best web software in which developers and designers can create, design and build anything that they wish for. If you wish so then all you need is some creativity and coding skills. There are tons of resources for wordpress (themes, plugins) in which you can achieve your dream website or